Royalties musicali USA, radio on air contro radio online

La vicenda degli accordi tra chi detiene i diritti musicali e gli “streamer” su Internet per un regime di tariffe meno opprimenti per i poveri webcaster si sta complicando

Radio Passioni

Il capo di Pandora, uno dei servizi Web tra i più penalizzati dal caro-royalties, Tim Westergren, ha denunciato il tentativo da parte del NAB, la National Broadcasters Association, di bloccare una legge che consentirebbe alle singole stazioni su Internet di negoziare con SoundExchange il prezzo più adeguato. La NAB ribatte di aver spinto in questo ultimo anno per arrivare a una soluzione legale più equa per tutti i player, on air e online.
Credo che in questo fosco clima di alluvionale erosione del risparmio americano, legislatori e titolari di una qualsiasi rendita di posizione debbano sentirsi più inclini al compromesso. Le Web radio rappresentano un segmento molto vitale della net economy, ampie fasce di pubblico giovanile (che purtroppo sul mercato valgono poco perché non hanno grande capacità di spesa) non conoscono altro mezzo per consumare musica. Dopo tutto basta che tutti siano un po’ meno avidi.

September 26, 2008

NAB tries to block fee reduction for Web radio

Time is running out on a bill that could pave the way for Pandora and other Webcasters to pay reduced royalty rates, as traditional radio broadcasters are now trying to kill the legislation.

As Congress readies to adjourn, representatives of the National Association of Broadcasters are lobbying lawmakers to stop legislation that would allow anyone streaming music over the Web, such as National Public Radio and Pandora, to continue negotiating with SoundExchange, the body that collects statutory rates for the music industry.
SoundExchange and the Digital Media Association (DiMA), which represents Web radio stations, have been at odds over the fees required to stream music, but the two sides are “optimistic that a deal can be reached,” said Tim Westergren, founder of music service Pandora.
The bill, introduced late on Thursday, would allow negotiations between Web radio stations and the music industry to continue and reach a settlement while Congress is adjourned. The two sides need the government’s OK before reaching a settlement because they’re after a statutory license. Such a license gives Web radio stations the right to stream any copyright songs they want, but also requires them to pay a negotiated rate.
Without the legislation, the talks could come to a halt and the deal could fall through, Westergren said. The bill is scheduled to be voted on the House floor Friday. Congress is expected to adjourn no later than noon on Monday.
Westergren said the NAB’s efforts to kill the bill is nothing more than an attempt to stifle the burgeoning Web radio sector, which many in terrestrial radio see as a competitor.
“This bill doesn’t effect the NAB at all,” Westergren said. “This bill is designed to give us the time to resolve what it looks we’re close to getting resolved. The NAB is trying to suffocate the first viable alternative to broadcast radio and is reaching out of their industry to kill another.”
Responding to Westergren’s statement an NAB spokesman issued this statement: “NAB has concerns related to Congress attempting to fast-track a bill introduced less than 24 hours ago that could have serious implications for broadcasters, Webcasters, and consumers of music. NAB spent more than a year trying to work out an equitable agreement on webcasting rates, only to be stonewalled by SoundExchange and the record labels. We will continue to work with policymakers on a solution that is fair to all parties.”
Westergren said that there is nothing in the Webcasting bill that would block traditional broadcasters from reaching their own rate agreement.

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