L’interfaccia di questo catalogo è intelligente. Si possono effettuare le ricerche per località, negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo. Per ciascuna località viene visualizzata la lista di emittenti ricevibili in FM. Se effettuate una di queste ricerche per l’Italia ottente un risultato un po’ confuso, perché RadioTime tradisce le sue origini americane. Per l’Italia vengono elencate una decina di città, se scelgo Roma trovo che il flusso Real Audio di RAI Radio 3 è riportato nella pagina romana come attivo sui 99,9 in FM dall’Aquila… Insomma, siamo lontani dalla perfezione, c’è parecchia strada da fare, ma intanto posso accedere direttamente da qui al flusso di Radio 3 e lo posso ascoltare se ho Real Audio installato, semplicemente aprendo la finestra del tuner di RadioTime.
Ando Media and RadioTime Facilitate the Navigation and Monetization for Internet Audio
RadioTime, Inc., a developer of technology for finding and listening to radio online, and Ando Media, a provider of solutions that empower radio stations to monetize their audiences, today announced they have partnered to provide radio broadcasters with a robust navigation utility and audience measurement statistics for the RadioTime community. This information will further enable broadcasters and listeners to engage one another online.
“The Internet is the new radio tuner, and that creates new revenue-generating opportunities for broadcasters and their advertising partners,” says Dan Halyburton, President, RadioTime. “RadioTime has made broadcasters’ programs available to listeners on their PCs, laptops, iPhones, Windows Mobile devices and an ever-growing variety of connected devices. Partnering with Ando Media will provide our broadcast partners with additional information about their online audiences’ listening habits so they can create effective and strategic advertising campaigns.”
“We are excited to be working with RadioTime. As the Internet audio space explodes and IP based delivery becomes mass market there is and will be a need to organize and present stations efficiently to the listener. Our goal in this partnership is to provide the RadioTime affiliates with statistics on their audience and inventory to contribute to their bottom line,” says Paul Krasinski, EVP of Ando Media.
About Ando Media
Ando Media is the leading provider of real-time audience measurement and ads management solutions for the internet audio market. Founded in 2004, Ando Media is committed to enabling its clients to monetize their digital assets: audio, online, video and mobile.
About RadioTime
RadioTime is the leading radio tuner that powers Internet services and devices by connecting them to radio broadcast DJs, talk personalities, and sports programming. Listeners easily access free, live, local, and global radio programming through RadioTime service. Its service enhances other products and services by powering them with thousands of radio channels and programming. RadioTime, founded in 2002, is based in Dallas, Texas. More information is available at www.radiotime.com.