La European HD Radio Alliance (diretta dall’italiano Andrea Sentinelli) informa che a Bucarest, in Romania, sono iniziate le sperimentazioni del formato ibrido analogico/digitale in FM Ibiquity/HD.
Le prove sono in corso sul network di Radio Guerrilla, per ora sulla frequenza dei 94.8 MHz della capitale. Quanto alla possibilità che l’ingresso del formato HD Radio in Europa si estenda ad altre aree, secondo Andrea Lawendel, giornalista specializzato e tra i maggiori osservatori del medium sotto il profilo dell’evoluzione tecnologica (attraverso il noto blog Radio Passioni) "I potenziali di sviluppo della radiofonia digitale "in band" (sulle stesse frequenze dell’FM) in modalità retrocompatibile con i ricevitori già esistenti, sono più elevati in nazioni come la Romania, dove è presumibile che anche nei grandi centri urbani ci siano più spazi liberi nello spettro dell’FM". "HD Radio genera infatti un segnale misto analogico/digitale che occupa facilmente oltre 200 kHz, essendo stato pensato per la regolamentazione USA, con intervalli di guardia di 400 kHz", spiega Lawendel. "In Italia sarebbe per il momento impensabile se non nelle aree a scarsa densità abitativa". Per quanto concerne il test rumeno, non appare molto chiaro quale possa essere l’eventuale strategia commerciale che dovrebbe fare seguito a queste prove. "In teoria sarebbe possibile importare i ricevitori e i tuner di costruttori come Sony, ma con quale tipo di marketing a supporto?", si chiede Lawendel, che però riconosce che in molte nazioni europee un sistema come HD Radio potrebbe godere "di prospettive molto più interessanti rispetto al DAB, soprattutto nel mercato dell’emittenza commerciale, dove l’appeal di una tecnologia abbastanza leggera sul piano infrastrutturale può essere molto forte e le opportunità di alleanza con le catene della grande distribuzione di elettronica di consumo sono molto numerose".
Launch Event Hosted by 2M Prima Telecom Highlights Benefits of the Technology for European Broadcasters
Bucharest, Romania – June 22, 2010 – 2M Prima Telecom, an operator of television and radio stations in Romania and reseller of broadcast transmission equipment, recently hosted an event in Bucharest, Romania to commemorate the launch of HD Radio Technology on Radio Guerrilla, 94.8 in Bucharest. The event was co-sponsored by Harris Corporation’s Broadcast Communications Division and the European HD Radio Alliance (EHDRA) and drew attendees from the National Authority for Communications Administration and Regulation (ANCOM), the National Council of TV and Radio Broadcasting (CNA), the Radio and TV Broadcasting Association (ACD) and numerous broadcasters. “HD Radio Technology offers tremendous benefits for Romania and throughout Europe,” said George Pletea, Radio Manager for 2M Prima Telecom and organizer of the event. “We were very satisfied with the initial tests on our station in Baia Mare and are impressed with the technology’s ability to add additional program channels as is being done on 94.8 with the addition of two ‘multicast’ channels”. “Harris is pleased to have supplied the necessary broadcast equipment and support for the Bucharest HD Radio trials,” said Mathias Eckert, Regional Director of Central Europe, Harris Broadcast Communications. “As a worldwide leader in digital broadcasting solutions, Harris is committed to
offering superior products to ensure the success of digital broadcasting around the world and commends all those involved in these HD Radio trials for their vision.” “On behalf of the European HD Radio Alliance, I congratulate 2M Prima Telecom, Guerrilla Radio and Harris on the successful launch of HD Radio trials in Bucharest,” said Andrea Sentinelli, General Director of EHDRA. “The interest in HD Radio Technology and the benefits it offers has been increasing dramatically in Europe and these trials will further highlight its suitability as a solution for the digitization of radio.”HD Radio broadcasting offers listeners of AM and FM radio the quality, choice and interactive services that consumers have come to expect from digital technologies. From iTunes® Tagging to real-time traffic and location-based concierge information to premium content, HD Radio Technology’s advanced services are rapidly becoming an important complement to its signature crystal-clear sound and expanded audio programming. Potential HD Radio telematics services include advanced navigation, premium content, mobile entertainment and targeted data services.

About 2M Prima Telecom
2M Prima Telecom has operated radio and television stations in Romania since 2002, and has equipped over 100 sites with transmitting equipment, antenna systems and combiners. It has also fully equipped and placed in operation several broadcast studios. Along with a team of professionals, 2M Prima Telecom is an experienced TV and FM systems integrator, providing everything for the project from the microphone to antenna – everything the broadcaster needs. 2M Prima Telecom saw opportunities in Romania for the HD RadioTM system, and after the demonstration “HD Radio – Discover it in Baia Mare” in September 2006, we are here today in 2010 with the first official Romania HD Radio broadcasts also featuring multicast.
About Guerrilla Radio
Guerilla Radio is a Romanian FM radio station broadcasting from Bucharest. The station’s target audience is young middle-class people between the ages of 25 and 34. Despite launching only in 2004, it is currently one of the most popular stations in Romania, with a market share of 8.7%. Aside from FM radio, its broadcasts are also available through the Internet, via streaming. Its slogan is "Eliberadio" (a portmanteau of "eliberare", meaning freedom, and "radio"). The station is known for its socially-liberal viewpoint. Additional information about Guerilla Radio is available at