Prendi i soldi (della radio) e scappa

Aveva dei debiti di gioco, il responsabile finanziario di Heart 194.9, stazione radio di Capetown. Così ha pensato bene di entrare nei conti online dell’emittente e della consorella East Coast Radio (entrambe del gruppo Radmark)

da Radio Passioni

Mario Roos (foto) ha spostato sul suo conto corrente parecchi milioni di rand (quasi 600 mila euro) e all’inizio di marzo ha preso un biglietto di business class per Londra via Francoforte e ha fatto perdere le sue tracce. Pare che le casse delle stazioni sudafricane siano ben fornite (finora). La foto l’ho presa da Die Burger, quotidiano in lingua afrikaans che ha dato la notizia per primo.

Missing: radio manager and R7,1m

By Fatima Schroeder

The Cape High Court has granted a provisional sequestration order against the former finance manager of Radio Heart 104.9, who has been missing since the end of February after auditors started an investigation into the radio station’s financial affairs.
In court papers, it emerged that Mario Roos allegedly exploited an electronic banking system at the radio station and made transfers to his own bank account amounting to R7,16-million.
A large portion of the money was allegedly paid to Internet gambling operators. Now his colleagues have established that he flew to London on March 1, on a business class ticket, via Frankfurt. His wife, Monique, has also been cited as a respondent in the proceedings.
In court papers, managing director Gavin Meiring said Roos did not report for work on March 3. He says the radio used an electronic banking system, known as Cash Focus, to transfer funds. Roos was registered and authorised on the system to make transfers.
Meiring said that the figure (R7,16m) may still increase. He said Radio Heart 104.9 was unaware that Roos was under investigation for the theft of R61 000 from his former employers, the Foschini Group, when they hired him.
He said police were still investigating the matter, but were unable to trace him.
A provisional order was granted on March 7 and the matter returns to court on May 9 when Roos and his wife have to show cause why the order should not be made final.

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