Per il prossimo salone dell’auto di Ginevra l’ITU bandisce ancora una volta il seminario The Fully Networked Car, dedicato alla discussione delle priorità in materia di standardizzazione delle tecnologie ICT per i veicoli del futuro.
Come sempre la notizia viene dall’attivissimo Andrea Lawendel, che su Radio Passioni informa che "L’arrivo delle infrastrutture terrestri a larga banda, la navigazione avanzata, i nuovi sistemi di propulsione e le loro fonti energetiche alternative al petrolio, l’esplodere della multimedialità a bordo inducono l’organismo mondiale delle telecomunicazioni, l’ISO e l’IEC a convocare tutte le parti in gioco per stabilire i futuri standard per applicazioni e servizi avveniristici: guida automatica, sistemi anticollisioni, gestione di flotte, sicurezza, risparmio energetico, infomobilità, telelavoro".
L’appuntamento è fissato dal 3 al 4 marzo 2010.
The Fully Networked Car @ Geneva International Motor Show

Workshop 3 – 4 March 2010 New challenges for the car industry
Although deeply affected by the financial crisis, the automotive industry still has a thirst for innovation. New services and applications may provide the unique selling points necessary to give advantage in a depressed market. Development in areas like safety and security, navigation, car maintenance, fleet management, mobile office and entertainment has continued apace. In parallel, a new market imperative is the push for new propulsion technologies.
These changes represent significant opportunities… and some challenges. A key issue is the move from the development stage to actual implementation and many see standardization as a major part of the solution.
With the Geneva International Motor Show on its doorstep The Fully Networked Car is in a unique position to engage with that part of industry all too often missing from the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) discussion – the motor industry itself.
For the fifth year running, ITU, ISO and IEC will bring together key players involved in the development of technologies and standards, as well as other major industry figures.
Held during the 2nd Press Day and the first public day of the motor show, the event represents a matchless opportunity for experts and executives from the car industry, ICT community, governments, research and development institutes, academia to share their vision and strategies.
A particular focus in 2010 will be the latest developments in technology and network requirements for electric vehicles.
Collaboration and coordination at an international level is – all parties agree – essential for the industry to move into a deployment phase.
Car industry’s perspective
Today’s communications capabilities give the potential for cars to foresee and avoid collisions, navigate the quickest route to their destination, make use of up-to-the-minute traffic reports, identify the nearest available parking slot, minimize their carbon emissions and provide multimedia communications. Furthermore, environmental concerns have led to the development of new forms of propulsion, such as hybrid, plug-in, electric and fuel cell. Large amounts of resources have been invested in research and development, but global standards are still missing to allow deployment on a large scale.
The development and deployment of electric vehicles is an important issue today. ICTs have a significant role to play in areas such as the careful management of battery status, warranty concerns and driver behaviour. Given the potential of these new technologies for both the automotive and the ICT communities, it is essential for the different parties to understand the requirements for fully networked cars and agree on the solutions to be provided by the network platforms.
ICT industry perspective
The ICT community, for its part, is moving towards Internet protocol (IP) based managed converged broadband networks with the implementation of next generation networks (NGNs).
From the NGN viewpoint, networked vehicles are similar to other types of mobile terminals, and therefore support is provided by standards for so-called fixed mobile convergence (FMC).
Managed broadband IP capabilities, including QoS security and mobility aspects, are under consideration to support new applications and services in the various modes of communication: