HD Radio Days a Lucerna, cronaca e documenti

La conclusione del test condotto è che il sistema HD Radio è molto interessante ma va studiato a fondo, soprattutto con livelli di protezione di 200 o 300 kHz tra una frequenza attiva e l’altra

da Radio Passioni

Documenti e fotografie relative alle giornate HD Radio appena concluse a Lucerna sono già disponibili online. Vi suggerisco in particolare il documento presentato da Hans-Ulrich Rohrbach per conto del regolatore elvetico BAKOM/OFCOM, sulle misure di interferenza su ricevitori FM tradizionali. La conclusione è che il sistema HD Radio è molto interessante ma va studiato a fondo, soprattutto con livelli di protezione di 200 o 300 kHz tra una frequenza attiva e l’altra. Secondo il comunicato ufficiale qui riportato le trasmissioni HD Radio potrebbero avere inizio commercialmente a fine 2009. I procedimenti per la standarizzazione sono attualmente in corso presso l’ETSI.

Surge of interest in HD Radio technology

The second HD Radio Days have taken place in Lucerne, following on from the 2006 event. This year, managers of the HD Radio field trial in Central Switzerland welcomed over 200 specialists from 13 countries. Prominent speakers from the regulatory and commercial sides highlighted the latest trends and developments in radio’s “going-digital”. Participants from all over Europe could also witness for themselves the fruits of the HD Radio trial currently underway in Central Switzerland.

HD Radio field trial points the way to low-cost digital radio

Since the wide-area HD Radio field trial got underway in March 2006, the capability and efficacy of the American radio standard has been put to the test under European conditions and against Swiss topography. According to Markus Ruoss, initiator of the field trial in Switzerland, “It grew increasingly clear that for commercial broadcasters to begin with, HD Radio technology promises an entry to the digital radio era that is both economical and highly advantageous in technical market terms.” As Markus Ruoss sees it, “This explains the strong surge of interest in the HD Radio system in recent months, in Switzerland as well as in other European countries.”

International HD Radio Days in Lucerne

The second HD Radio Days were held on 4-5 October 2007 in Lucerne (Hotel Radisson SAS Lakefront). Interim results of the field trial were revealed and elucidated as part of a series of presentations. Scenarios for introducing HD Radio broadcasting were also discussed. Various test vehicles were available so that participants could experience at firsthand the benefits of HD Radio technology on the move. In separate workshops, specialists demonstrated a frequency allocation simulation along with a wide selection of receiving equipment. Workshops were also held on pertinent topics like surround-sound and future radio application possibilities such as addressability, EPG (Electronic Program Guide), and even visual radio.

Wide-area HD Radio field trial

The second phase of the field trial got underway in summer 2007, with the start-up of an HD Radio converter broadcasting within the Lucerne region. Mobile and stationary receivers then left the laboratory for distribution to selected test listeners in Central Switzerland, in a bid to assess the system’s everyday operability and market potential.

The future of HD Radio in Switzerland and Europe

Full results of the field trial will be collated into a final report early next year. After the field trial has successfully finished, and subject to approval by the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM), Swiss HD Radio broadcasting is expected to commence in late 2009. The European HD Radio Alliance is in the process of being formed in response to strong national and foreign interest in HD Radio TM broadcasting, and to increase awareness of the technology. The European HD Radio Alliance is also participating in the European standardisation and approval process (ETSI/ITU) and will issue regular bulletins on the status of technical developments, statutory regulation, and frequency planning.

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